
Jamie Oliver "Teach every child about food"

Jamie Oliver talks about the food matter in the U.S. Like said in the title, every child needs to be taught about food, he says. Children these days have almost no idea about food and what they are eating. However, they could be living 10 years younger than their parents. This is because the adults  are making the food environment around them. The three main factors in the food environment are home, school, and main street. Lastly, in the presentation, he says, "I wish everyone to help create a strong, sustainable movement to educate every child about food, inspire families to cook again and enpower people everywhere to fight obesity."


3 件のコメント:

  1. I'm interested in your book! I think it is imporatant for human to eat food, but recently, some young people don't have enough nutrition because of diet or unbalanced meals. I think food education is significant.

  2. I think that to think about food is very important not only adult but also children because even if young children, they eat something to grow up. So they need to know about food that they eat.

  3. I'm a big fan of Jamie Oliver. He has worked to improve school lunches in both the UK and the US. In one of his programs, he showed how many American school children could not even identify common vegetables, such as potatoes (because they only had experience seeing french fries) and tomatoes (because they only had seen them sliced on hamburgers). Of course, he found it necessary to teach the parents of these children basic "food literacy" too. His hope was that by taking care of school gardens and by eating real food at school, the children could start to have an influence on how their parents think about food. It's a bit strange to think that the education of children might need to come BEFORE the education of their parents, but education is necessary no matter which direction it goes--from young to old or from old to young. Jamie Oliver made a TV series in the UK about his efforts to reform school dinners there called "Jamie's school dinners" and he then went on to make one in the US called, more ambitiously, "Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution." Both are very entertaining and interesting. See a preview for the latter at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oLgmk323H6k .

    Joseph D.
