
Review of the novel: Chapter 7,8,9,10

Victoria gets an official job at school as a teacher in New York. However, her father is not so happy about it and tells her to get a real job. Her dream of losing weight by graduatin was fading fast as the food they were serving was high calory. Although  after going to the gym for a month and being careful of what she ate, she finally lost 10 pounds. After graduating, she goes to New York and starts teaching 4 classes at the new school. First she has difficulties but the students starts paying attention to her. In November, she goes back home to spend Thanksgiving with her family. Victoria's father points out her daughter's appearance as she has gained weight again.

1 件のコメント:

  1. I would appreciate hearing your reactions to what you are reading as well as descriptions of the events in the story. For example, have you had the experience of family members commenting on your appearance and it making a strong impact on you? My wife, for instance, can remember her sister calling her a "fatso" when she was just three years old, so the opinions of our relatives about our weight or appearance can leave a lasting mark.

    Sounds like Victoria's father is quite controlling and dictatorial. That must have some influence on her self-esteem. It's strange that he thinks teaching isn't a "real job."
